Composite Resin Fillings Materials
Our dental clinic in Thailand uses the 3M products for its dental fillings or tooth-colored fillings. 3M uses nanotechnology for high-quality restorations of white dental fillings
alongside with strength.
Benefits of 3M Filtek™ White Dental Fillings
The 3M Filtek White Dental Fillings material used at Smile Signature dental clinic in Thailand is constrcuted with Nano-sized particle fillings, this enables:
- A brilliant polish and retention
due to smaller particles for white dental fillings
- Provides strength, durability and
wear resistance
- May be used for simple to complex dental restorations
and posterior dental restorations
- Can be combined with layering and opacities
- There is low polymerization shrinkage enabling less
tooth stress and less potential tooth sensitivity
- A more natural
looking dental restoration as it is tooth-colored and fluorescence

Dental Fillings Handpieces
Smile Signature dental clinic in Thailand uses handpieces from:
- W&H
W & H Dental Handpiece
Smile Signature dental clinic in Thailand uses handpieces from German based company W&H International. Its innovative technologies, high quality material designs, strict quality criteria and many years of experience in the development have made W&H straight and contra-angle handpieces one of the leading restoration and prosthetics instruments.
NSK Dental Handpieces
Our dental clinic in thailand uses clinical handpieces from
NSK that has infection control air turbine handpieces used
for dental fillings treatment and general dentistry.
These handpieces has features such as an aseptic clean head
and infection control designs incorporated in the prevention
of cross-contaminants and ease for sterilization. Amalgam fillings are now commonly replaced with white fillings. Clinical handpieces and advances fillings materials enable white fillings replacements to be done safely, easily and faster.